
Navideshahed: Written by Hujat-ol Islam Val-Muslemin Mohsen Gheraati the book "Praying Interpretation" is translated into Pashto language by Mohamamd Taregh Abdollah.
News ID: 385057    Publish Date : 2016/11/02

Navideshahed: Abbas Babaei was a great man who was raised in the school of martyrdom. He was a fighter whose piety and worshipping was like a roaring sea and each moment of his life consisted of many waves.
News ID: 385056    Publish Date : 2016/11/02

Four books on the Iranian Sacred Defense translated to English, German and Spanish and published by Revayat-e-Fath Publication Institute in Tehran will be unveiled at the 29th Tehran International Book Fair (TIBF).
News ID: 385054    Publish Date : 2016/11/02

There are events that being so astonishing, might sound as unbelievable as fables and legends; but they are real. We have frequently seen or heard about such incidents in our time and one of the most beautiful ones is martyrdom of Basiji volunteer teenager Hossien Fahmideh.
News ID: 385053    Publish Date : 2016/11/02

Hossein Fahmideh was a 13-year-old Iranian who—at a time when Saddam’s forces attacked Iran in 1980—knew of no other option, but to block the enemy tanks from entering the city of Khurramshahr by wearing a grenade belt, while blocking their path. Saddam’s forces overtook the young boy. With this shocking brave move, he blocked the tanks and turned himself into a great hero among Iranians.
News ID: 385051    Publish Date : 2016/11/02

He liked to be martyred in the way of God. Before his martyrdom he had tested the greatness of martyrdom for several times. He had some visits with divine love and he felt that he must join to other martyrs. He had a strange feeling in his heart. He was satisfied to be martyred in the way of God by destiny
News ID: 385049    Publish Date : 2016/11/01

In this memorandum, we have visited a chivalrous man whose courage and stamina is a proud for the youth of this land. His last honorable minutes of life turned to the style of the Islamic history and Iran brave men as well as a proof to show that their life is not a legend. Tayeb Haj Rezaei and Ismaeil Haj Rezaei shielded the people who shouted their dignity and honor in the 15th of Khordad (June 5th, 1963).
News ID: 385048    Publish Date : 2016/10/31

After about 3 decades since the beginning of the imposed war and the creation of the early works of theater of the Sacred defense war and about twenty years after its end, it is possible to say after looking at the bulk of the works that have been produces that one of the main problems and issues of the theater of the Sacred defense war is lack of attention to the item of interest or devaluation of it in the theater of the Sacred defense war. Interest is an item, the presence of which, gives life to a theatrical work and the absence of which takes away life from it. . .
News ID: 385046    Publish Date : 2016/10/31

As other types of play writing, play writing in the field of war or resistance can be studied from different points of views. In this respect, we can refer to different points of views such as sociology, psychology, home and family, characterization, dialogue writing, subject, plot, structure, presence of different character and types of people as well as point of view of self sacrifice, martyrdom and resistance. While writing plays for war theatre or resistance theatre, concepts such as self sacrifice, martyrdom and resistance are special concepts. These concepts have always been noticed by play writers. These concepts have some times appeared in special outstanding form that rarely observed in other types of play writing. And when speaking about a war under the name of “Sacred Defense”?, it is natural that such concepts benefit from more out standing aspects.
News ID: 385045    Publish Date : 2016/10/30

of “Tadoj Cosan’s”? categorization each of which has a very important and effective role in the production of meaning. Among these signs, the terms or in other words the written text of the dramatic event – the only thing that remains as reminiscence in a written form – is a basic element in the ideas of many of the scholars. Even though, the study and investigation of the semiotics of the signs seems to be more attractive in performance domain due to the more completed form of any theatrical form. But the special study of the written text and discussion over the system of signs of the words and terms is of great importance because this part of the sign systems has got the highest and the most important role in the production of meaning. Any text of the dramatic event has got in them many elements that create meaning which are in turn related with a system of signs that is directly related to a sign system. Some others are by inference and intimation in the service of the other sign systems.
News ID: 385029    Publish Date : 2016/10/29

Martyr Abbas Babaei was a great man who was raised in the school of martyrdom. He was a fighter whose piety and devotion was a roaring sea and whose moments of life were full of ups and downs and tumultuous waves.
News ID: 385027    Publish Date : 2016/10/29

"Syrian regime could tolerate pressure and blockade after five years with Iran’s help and now the world confesses to that these groups are terrorists. We were not fighters rather we help Syrian; If Takfiris were not blocked in Syria, today all the regions would be involved in fighting with ISIS.
News ID: 385017    Publish Date : 2016/10/29

Mohammad Javad Tondgooyan was born in 1950 in Tehran. Having graduated from education, he entered political struggles and with victory of the Islamic Revolution he was appointed the Minister of Oil for Martyr Rajai’s administration.
News ID: 385013    Publish Date : 2016/10/26

Martyr Seyyed Mostafa Khomeini, the son of Imam Khomeini, was born in Qom in 1930. He was so talented that achieved the level of Ijtihad in his early youth.
News ID: 385012    Publish Date : 2016/10/26

Imam Khomeini who was concerned for the presence of American, British and Israeli advisors in Iran and their harmful performance became informed of the details of Capitulation right for American militaries some few days after its enactment by National Consultative Assembly. He immediately called on Marjas and clergies of Qom to convene their weekly meeting and also sent some telegraphs and messages to inform the clergies of other cities of the issue.
News ID: 385011    Publish Date : 2016/10/26

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri hailed the success of the Armed Forces in pursuing defense inside and outside country.
News ID: 385010    Publish Date : 2016/10/26

In this article after a short introduction, we will define the word martyrdom and we will refer to martyrdom from the point of view of Qur'an and Prophet Mohammad (S. A. ) as well as the innocent Imams ( A. S. ). Then we will investigate the ideas of martyrs who have been aware of the grand position and value of the martyrs and due to their obedience of the decrees of the Supreme Leader and their Basiji thinking they have defended their country and to do this they have made use of those who took part in Ashura; they have chosen their ways through this awareness and finally we will come to this conclusion that the martyrs have chosen martyrdom at the decree of the Supreme Leader and to Preserve and keep their country and it was at the end of their choice that they finally died. . . . . .
News ID: 251276    Publish Date : 2010/04/26

The martyrdom culture consists of all remained signs of a martyr containing non-material (spiritual) signs such as beliefs, notions, behaviors, goals, and other spiritual and divine aspects of a martyr being inspirited from Quran and the innocent’s instructions. In addition, the followings can be considered as his material signs: martyr’s clean grave, personal utilities, streets names, ceremonies related to a martyr, written works and totally, whatever which is observable, tangible and can be his memorial.
News ID: 190550    Publish Date : 2009/01/19

While the Russian Tsar and his substitute, the socialist soviet Republics Union, was the strategic threatened of Iran from the beginning of 19th century until 1990, after 1960 the outer real center of tangible threat was only Iraq. The rotation of 2country was disturbed from 1960 to 1975. After short term peace, which was because of the contract of 1975, two countries encountered the longest term wow experience after Vietnam War in the 20thceutury. So for the fist tine in 20th century, Iran could bear 95 month war and the wore important thing was that it was for the first tine that Iran had main role in imposed war. As western inter peters have repeated for many times, this role was not be cause of precise organizing of powers or using of weapons and modern Technology, but it was the result of utilizing the human resources. Distribution of martyrs of Iran in different geographical parts indicates that almost all of people of Iran have accepted the defense task as are necessary and vital responsibility. This research has tried either to analyze the wow geographic martyrs and the sacred defense or to give a perspective of devotion geographic and martyrdom Of 8 years war and holy defer by utilizing descript ional analytical method, Data's and documented statistics.
News ID: 117032    Publish Date : 2008/07/06

It is common with biography to be started from day, month and year of birth, but in order to introduce Sayed Mojtaba it is better to go back to the period before his birth
News ID: 86902    Publish Date : 2008/01/01